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About Us

Heart and minds matter. 

Rise Above Care work in partnership with Local Authorities and other professional organisations, we offer supervision, support and specialist 24hour residential care. We are able to facilitate multiple occupancies and a variety of staffing ratios that meet the assessed needs of the children and young people. Our experienced and dedicated team ensure that children and young people placed within our care, are at the centre of our practice. This gives children and young people the best possible opportunities.

Within our homes we use the model of PACE to support our children and young people to build safe, trusting, and meaningful relationships, make emotional connections, and a sense of security.

Rise Above Care have a strong belief of connecting with our young people before we correct, we believe that children and young people respond best and can reach their full potential when they are looked after in an environment in which people are genuinely interested in their welfare, take time to get to know them and their needs and ensure that those needs are met.

We identify and address specific needs of children and young people and develop person centred care packages which mirrors the aims of the young person’s placement plan, this sets achievable targets and goals. Effective multi-agency working; ensures the needs of our children and young people are met, relevant professionals receive regular reports and updates ensuring a ‘team around the child’ approach.


We will seek and engage, any other services or professional support required to meet the needs of the children and young people placed with us. Rise Above Care understand the importance of working in partnership and work with specialist therapy providers to deliver specific personalised therapeutic work, to meet our young people’s individual needs. We will not give up trying to make a difference in any child’s or young person’s life.

We will provide high quality primary care for the children and young people, which results in the development of strong, trusting relationships.

Our care homes are a warm, safe, family-based environment where relationships between staff and young people can develop and flourish. We will build and support a sense of confidence in the young person’s ability to achieve in areas of personal development and into key work, care planning and emotional growth.

Take a look at Rise Above Care Aims and Objectives 

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